When you’re a broker, developing your agents is crucial to the success of your business. Here’s how you can take them to the next level in their real estate careers.  

Make Yourself Available

Being there for your agents can go a long way to advancing their real estate careers. Be easy to reach, answering any questions they may have on a form or how to deal with a client. It may lead to an uptick in production.

Evaluate Strengths and Weaknesses

Meet with your agents at least once a year to assess their strengths and weaknesses in real estate. Identifying these areas of improvement or where they excel can help mold them into a better agent for your brokerage.

Plan it Out

Work with your agents to develop a plan to reach their goals. Whether they are monthly, quarterly, or yearly goals, work alongside them and hold them accountable for their actions. If the initial plan is not panning out, reevaluate, adapt, and set forth an updated plan of action.

Develop a System

Use routines and checklists as a path for your agents to follow and find success. Whether it’s the best ways to keep track of clients or their marketing impact, instilling these methods can set your agents up with successful habits.

Emphasize the Importance of Data Trends

Your agents’ knowledge of the current market data is vital in their conversations with clients. Make sure they understand how factors such as interest rates, inventory, absorption rates, and more can affect their buyers’ and sellers’ decision making.