As a Texas REALTOR®, you have exclusive access to more than 100 forms that aren’t available to nonmember license holders. With so many forms, it’s easy to miss a few that you could be using to avoid legal issues and educate your clients. Here are five forms you can only get as a member of the association. Find them at

Information Regarding Property Near an International Border (TAR 2519)

This form is designed to inform the buyer of the risks of purchasing property in certain counties near an international border, if the property lacks basic infrastructure, and instructs the buyer to consult an attorney.

Inspector Information (TAR 2506)

This notice states that the broker does not warrant the quality of the inspector’s service, which helps you reduce your risk when providing a buyer or seller with a list of inspectors.

Wire Fraud Warning (TAR 2517)

Make sure your clients know about this common real estate scam by providing this notice, which explains what wire fraud is and what to do if they believe they are being targeted in a wire fraud scam.

Representation Disclosure (TAR 1417)

Texas law requires a real estate license holder who represents a party in a proposed real estate transaction to disclose that representation, either orally or in writing, at the license holder’s first contact with another party to the transaction or another license holder who represents another party to the transaction. You may use this form to meet that requirement, if you choose to disclose in writing.

Information Regarding Windstorm and Hail Insurance for Certain Properties (TAR 2518)

If you have buyers purchasing property located in a seacoast territory designated as a catastrophe area by the Texas Department of Insurance, give them this form, which covers information about windstorm and hail insurance.