The June cover story about coming soon listings generated a lot of conversation online, with some readers questioning whether there is any legitimate reason for this status. Other commenters pointed out that the rule itself is not a problem if agents don’t abuse it.

Gregory Knapp asserted that what matters most is whether the status benefits the seller. “Whether it’s ‘fair’ to REALTORS® or the public is of no concern. Ergo, the listing agent and the seller should discuss all parameters of this status, and the agent should do as the seller decides,” said Knapp.

A blog post about how to negotiate effectively and nicely drew several comments about working toward a result that satisfies both parties. Sally Gaines appreciated the reminder that small talk can be beneficial, and Stephen Williams lamented the number of negotiations that take on an “us against them” mentality. “If it were more of a ‘how can everyone finish satisfied?’ approach, things will go smoother.”

The latest edition of the Texas Small Land Sales Report, released by the Texas REALTORS® in June, not only received media coverage around the state but also was one of the most-shared posts on the member blog this year, with more than 460 shares. Find the report—and others about relocation, condominiums, international homebuyers, luxury homes, remodeling, and more—at

A Facebook Live video event about MarketViewer—the new, exclusive data tool for Texas REALTORS®—drew hundreds of viewers and many comments and questions. Vijaianand Thirunageswaram asked if MarketViewer will always be available as a member benefit to Texas REALTORS® or there will be a charge for it after an introductory period. The answer? The tool will always be available as a member benefit with no additional cost. Other members asked if the data can be provided for a single ZIP code for fliers. Yes. Go to the menu in the upper-left corner and select Infographic Generator. Then select the frequency, time period, local board of REALTORS®, and for “market type,” choose ZIP code. You can then choose the ZIP code you want and download the market-data infographic. MarketViewer is available at