Help Clients Make Their Small Rooms Look Bigger

Even sellers who don’t professionally stage their house can make a cramped room feel bigger. Share...

Don't Leave Referrals to Chance

Do you have more clients than you can serve? No? You can fill your prospect pipeline by learning how...

Share This: What’s the Point of Mortgage Points?

Prospective homebuyers have probably come across the term points or mortgage points when first resea...

5 Tips To Cut Your Business Costs

One way to increase your bottom line is to bring in more money. Another way is to not spend it in th...

Helping Clients With Solar Panels

As more residents adopt solar technology, it's more likely you’ll encounter them in your real esta...

5 Ways to Build Stronger Relationships with Appraisers

Appraisals don’t have to be stressful or even mysterious. You can talk with appraisers—that’s ...

Understanding Title Insurance

Title companies are nothing new in the real estate industry. But do you understand their function an...

Tools To Stay Safe on the Job

Whether hosting an open house, showing a client a property, or conducting day-to-day business, stayi...

Create More Engaging Team Meetings

While team meetings are a necessary part of business growth, they aren’t always met with enthusias...

Gain A Competitive Edge With C2EX

Want to position yourself as a leader in professionalism and customer service? Complete the National...

Do Solar Panels Raise Perceived Property Values?

Data from REALTORS® responding to a survey question about whether solar panels increased perceived ...

Seller Impersonation Fraud: Red Flags and Best Practices

This information is courtesy of the Texas Land Title Association. With the increasing prevalence of...

Strategies for Your First Meeting With a Client

Your first meeting with potential clients could not be more important. This could be the beginning o...

Learn to Better Use the Features in ZipForm

Whether you're new to zipForm or want to learn its advanced features, the upcoming webinars hosted b...

Thoughtful Closing Gift Ideas From REALTORS®

After your clients have closed on a house, one way to commemorate the experience is to give a meanin...

A Smart Way To Show Your Expertise

If you gain a new listing that is equipped with smart home technology, would you know how to showcas...

Set the Stage for Happier Clients

Bonus Tip for Brokers These strategies may also help your relationship with agents, especially th...

Should You Use AI for Your Marketing Content?

Have you considered delegating your writing tasks to an artificial intelligence tool like ChatGPT? A...

A Simple Exercise for Better Public Speaking

Does your voice get shaky when giving a listing presentation? Has your voice cracked or squeaked whi...

Assume Nothing About What Your Clients Know

It’s easy to assume your clients know more than they do, especially if they are enthusiastic and n...